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Chatbots- An Inventive Solution By Enterice For Niches

There are times in BPO industries, when agents come across some of the various visitors who do not have any purpose but to chat uselessly. On the same side, the responding agents have no option but to keep such visitors replying. They just cannot just terminate the calls as they are instructed not to do so unless visitor hung up the call from his own end. Of course, all these practices are in regards to maintain brand value.

But does any agent wants to interact with such a visitor in his everyday job?

Undoubtedly, anyone would nod his head to a simple “No”.

However, many BPO industries and other consumer care service providers are still dealing with the similar issues and the problem still persists.

The Solution-

Technology has been one of the aspects that has emerged as a vital solution to deal with many difficulties. And this is what has been implemented by Enterice to reduce the call volume of such visitors through the use of Chatbot.

What Exactly is a Chatbot?

In general terms, a chatbot is programmable chat window that could be configured within a website to interact with visitors. The bot could be developed as per requirement and could be used as a conversational platform by the organizations for the visitors. An advantageous factor of a chatbot is its niche relevancy. Meaning, this platform can be designed independently as per the nature of niche and hence, proving useful for pertinent end users.

Technology Used-

The architecture of chatbot is designed on the platform of Artificial Intelligence or AI. Using this technology, the developers are able to program a chatbot as per the requirement. Further, it could be automated on the basis of the organization regardless of its skills. This phenomenon will be then replying back the exact answer or value by fetching the corresponding data from backend with instant response. The use of this methodology thus also keeps those useless queries at bay.

Some Other Possibilities-

When a chatbot comes in the picture, many users try to test its efficiency and capabilities. In case of real world scenario, an agent may get fed up answering the repetitive questions of the visitor, but with a bot the same scenario is an exception. The chatbot keeps on returning the same values of the questions that are asked repeatedly.

The other scenario occurs when a chatbot is interacting with a visitor and in case if it is unaware of an answer to the question then it will leave a chat button for the visitor to interact with an agent. The agent will be receiving all the chat transcripts that have been done between chatbot and visitor before the bot transferred the chat to agent.

One other benefit of chatbot is to minimize the call volumes to agents. In this way, when a visitor initiates a chat, the bot takes the charge to interact thereby avoiding the case of large call volumes or queues and chat waiting conditions.

The Verdict-

A chatbot has myriads of possibilities that has helped various industries to overcome the issues of useless chats and/or to lessen the call flow to the agents. Although this technology came into existence long time back, but it has proved revolutionary by tackling the industrial obstructions today. Apparently, many organizations have migrated to the concept of AI based chatbots, while many others are looking for the same solution. Visit to get more details and usage of chatbot.

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