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Asynchronous Chat: A Vigorous Functionality That Meets Clients’ Expectations

A customer initiated a chat conversation with an agent to take follow-up of the issue that he had raised during his earlier call with some other agent. The current agent however was unaware of the issue, which the customer was mentioning about. Consequently, customer desired to escalate the call and agent had no option but to fulfill customer’s call escalation requirement.

This could be a real time incident with everyday operational BPO niches. Of course, as per the famous quote a “customer is king” and industries cannot afford to lose their customers anyhow. Hence, to keep the trust level of their customers sustained, a solution named “Asynchronous Chat” has been developed within ICE Chat to deal with unwanted situations like the one mentioned above.

What Does An Asynchronous Chat Do?

A feature developed to streamline the chat process, Asynchronous Chat displays previous conversational messages to connected customer and agent during chat in their respective chat interfaces. The feature gets activated just when customer establishes a chat connection with an agent. This is when agent and customer can view the previous messages at the same time.

How Does An Asynchronous Chat Work?

An asynchronous chat ensures to keep the issue details available both for agents as well as the customers. When the chat gets connected, the agent and customer will be able to view and refer to the previous chats made by the customer. Hence, this becomes easier for an agent to view, understand and resolve the issues of the customer if in case the issue was not being resolved during earlier chats.

Is It Advantageous?

For sure, yes! After all, what’s better than to have a functionality that provides an ease of access to agents for resolving the issues of customers. On the same side, the customers also have the reliability to take a follow up of their ongoing or past concerns by referring to the previous conversation on the same chat interface. To avail this lucrative feature visitors just need to initiate the chat from same browser without clearing the cache or cookies.

Closing Thoughts:

In today’s business process organizations where accomplishing customers’ requirement is always a primary step, the features like Asynchronous Chat prove to be an inevitable solution to conveniently attend and close customer’s issues.



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