Admin Panel

How many languages does ICE support for visitor chat window?

There are about 6 global languages that have been implemented in ICE application. These include-

  • English
  • Polish
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Czech
  • Arabic

A visitor can make preference among the above mentioned languages to chat with agent.

How to set embedded or pop-up chat window for visitor console?

Embedded or pop-up chat window for a visitor’s console could be activated or deactivated from “Site Configuration” of Admin panel. The Site-Configuration console includes a “Chat Window Type” attribute with two radio buttons, one each for Embedded Chat Window and Pop-Up Window respectively. Selecting any one of the radio button will activate the respective chat window type for visitor console.

How hours of operation work for chat process?

ICE Chat application has the option to keep chat buttons activated for visitors during particulars working hours of the day. The chat button will be shown “Offline” before and after the hours of operation. This functionality could be enabled or disabled from Admin console of ICE application.

Can agent or supervisor be logged out forcefully without using logout feature from their console?

Yes, an agent or supervisor can be logged out from forcefully without using logout feature from their console. This could be done through Admin panel. An admin can search the name of a particular agent or supervisor in the username section of User Management and can successfully make the users to logout from system.


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