
How to take incoming chats in Supervisor console?

A supervisor can take incoming chats in an ICE application. The chats could be taken by checking “Take Incoming Chats” option in user account section of Supervisor console.

This option is only applicable for an ICE chat supervisor.

How to reset a password in agent/supervisor console?

In case if an agent or supervisor needs to change their personal passwords then this could be done by reaching out “Change Password” column of the Profile option in consoles of both the user roles.

The system will ask to enter the old (existing password) followed by a new password along with its confirmation.

How to change chat notification sound in agent console?

An agent has the option to adjust the volume level of chat notification from the console. To fine-tune a chat notification sound, click “Settings” tab under “Profile” option and alter volume level from Select Volume field.

How to change answer for security question in user console?

An agent or a supervisor can change the answer of their selected security question from their respective console. To change the answer of security question, select Settings tab under profile option on the console. Further, change the answer in the “Answer” field next to the selected security question and click “Update” button.

What important details are displayed in Supervisor dashboard?

A dashboard is the most convenient interface for a supervisor to keep a track of all sort of chat processes in ICE application. It displays the complete data of chat sessions in systems. Click to view the details displayed in Supervisor dashboard.

Can an agent perform a voice communication with a visitor?

Yes, an agent can perform a voice communication with a visitor. This is made possible by clicking “Click to Call” icon in toolbar of agent console. This will enable a telephone number field in visitor’s console, asking visitor to enter the number. As soon as visitor enters the number, a Call button will be activated in agent console and the agent can make a call to the visitor. Customer’s number will be not visible on agent’s console.

Can agent use canned response to give a quick reply?

Yes, agent can reply instantly through the use of canned response provided a canned response has an answer for the respective question.

What is chat simulator?

Chat simulator is an interface that provides a mock chat environment to newly joined agents in order to make them familiar about chat processes before they start taking real world chats.

The functionality of a chat simulator could be enabled or disabled from Admin panel.

What happens if agent sets status to ‘Not Available’?

If agent sets the status as “Not Available” then no calls will be connected to him/her.

How to transfer a ticket to another agent or supervisor?

An agent can transfer an Email ticket to another agent or supervisor by clicking “transfer ticket” icon on toolbar. Further, an email can be transferred either to the operator of the same skill or to the other skill.


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