Chat Through Social Media

How to chat using Facebook account?

In order to chat with an ICE agent using Facebook account, a visitor (customer) needs to set a Facebook page through ICE Admin console. Further, the desired page needs to be configured with the specific skill of ICE campaign. Click here  to view the process in detail.

How to connect with an ICE agent through Twitter?

In order to make a chat connectivity with an ICE agent through Twitter account, the very first requirement for the customer is to “follow” an ICE agent’s account in Twitter. This could be done by assigning a skill to Twitter account through ICE admin panel. Click to view the process of skill configuration and chat connectivity.

How “InProgress” and “Resolved” status work for Facebook and Twitter chat in ICE?

An ICE agent attending a chat through any one of the social media either Facebook or Twitter has the option to dispose the chat by setting the chat status to “InProgress” or “Resolved” based upon the situation.

When a chat is disposed with the status as “In Progress”, all the recent conversation between agent and customer will be made available to the new agent, when same customer makes a chat connectivity.

When the status is set to “Resolved” while disposing the chat, no conversation will be made available to the new agent when same customer attempts a chat connectivity.

These functions will work identically for both the social platforms.


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