ICE Message Notifications

Network disconnection. We will be connected soon

Displays when the network is disconnected.

We are verifying your sessions. Please wait

Displays as a pop-up for 10-20 seconds on agent console when ICE application resumes back after network fluctuation. There are two scenarios in this case-

  • The maximum time limit for the system to get resume after network fluctuation is 3 minutes i.e. 180 seconds. If the system resumes and the session is restored within this time duration then the agents will be connected back to the ongoing chats (only if agent was connected to any chat before network fluctuation).
  • If the system resumes after network fluctuation but couldn’t restore within 180 seconds then the agent will be logged out automatically and the chat will be transferred to any available agent.

Transcript has been sent

Displays when the transcript has been sent

Transfer to operator

Displays when a chat is transferred from agent 1 to agent 2. Agent 2 gets the notification as –      “Agent 1 wants to transfer a chat” with “Accept” and “Reject” buttons. If Agent 2 clicks “Accept” button then Agent 1 will receive the notification as “Agent 2 accepted the chat transfer” along with “OK” and “Decline” buttons. When agent 1 clicks “OK” then the chat will be transferred and a message will be displayed in agent 1’s console as “Chat transferred/escalated successfully”. If agent 1 clicks on “Decline” then chat will not be transferred.

Transfer to operator reject

Displays when Agent 1 wants to transfer chat to Agent 2. The notification “Agent 1 wants to transfer a chat” will be displayed in Agent 2’s console with “Accept” and “Reject” button. When Agent 2 clicks “Reject” button then Agent 1 will receive the notification as “Agent 2 rejected the chat transfer” with “OK” button and the chat will not be transferred.

Either your chat(s) has been transferred or disconnected due to network issues. Please login again as you will be now logout automatically

Displays when a chat is transferred to other agent/supervisor and system is about to logout the agent.

Agent 1 wants to escalate a chat

Displays when an agent wants to escalate a chat to supervisor. The supervisor will receive the notification as “Agent 1 wants to escalate the chat” with “Accept” and “Reject” buttons. If Supervisor clicks “Accept” button then Agent 1 will receive the message as “Supervisor (name) accepted the chat escalation” along with “OK” and “Decline” buttons. If agent 1 clicks “OK” button then the message will be displayed as “Chat transferred/escalated successfully”.

Chat disconnected due to network fluctuation. Please dispose your chat now

Displays when a visitor establishes a chat connection, which is connected partially to agent and agent gets a network fluctuation.

Chat disconnected due to network fluctuation (visitor). Please dispose your chat now

Displays when a visitor establishes a chat connection with agent, which is connected partially and there is a network fluctuation from visitor’s end.

Your session is expired. Please login again

Displays when session is expired and agent needs to login again.

File transfer failed

This is displayed when the transfer of file is unsuccessful. It happens under either of the two conditions-

  • If sender (agent/visitor) closes the tab while file transfer is in progress.
  • When any agent or visitor gets network fluctuation while file transfer is going on.

The chat is hung. Message can’t be send

The message is displayed when the agent tries to send a message on an already hung chat.

Please enter a valid e-mail address

It is displayed when a wrong mail id is entered in transcript pop up.

Chat Transfer operation is ongoing for a selected chat. Waiting for agent response

This will be displayed when agent tries to transfer a chat which is already in the transfer process

Please dispose all your chats before logging out

This is displayed when agent tries to logout without disposing the ongoing chats.

Sorry. File size is greater than allowed limit

Displays when the file to be transferred is more than the allowed size limit

Transfer failed because agent’s chat limit exceeded

This is displayed when the chat limit of the agent to receive the transferred chat is reached to the maximum during chat transfer process.

Escalate failed because supervisor’s chat limit exceed

Displays when the chat limit of the supervisor to receive the chat file is reached to the maximum during chat transferring in progress

Internal chat tab is already opened

When agent tries to open an already opened internal tab from agent console.


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