Visitor SDK Integration in iOS Application

How to integrate Visitor SDK in iOS Application

Mentioned below are the steps to integrate SDK-

  1. Click here to download the SDK package.
  2. Extract the file to a folder on your computer.
  3. In your Xcode project settings, navigate to the General tab, and under the Embedded Binaries section, add the Framework file ChatSDK.framework.
  4. Now simply import ChatSDK in to controller from where you want to initiate the chat.
  5. Call following API to establish chat connection, using your clientID – ChatSDK.sharedInstance.showChatController(clientId: “Button ID”)

Configuration required related iOS – Apple permissions in project info.plist file:

  • UIBackgroundModes : App plays audio or streams audio/video using AirPlay or Go to Project  Target >> Capabilities >> Background Modes – Turn on switch and select option “Audio, AirPlay and Picture in Picture”- (As the app runs sound file while chat message is coming and app is in background.)

How to install iOS Visitor SDK demo application in device?

1. Click here to download the XCode demo iOS application project

2. Unzip the downloaded file.

2. Open project into your XCode (10.2 and above, supported swift version 4.2 and above, iOS 11.0 and above).

3. Attach your device or simulator and run the project. (The framework contains architectures for both device as well as simulator, arm64 and x86_64)

4. Login to ICE with agent credentials and enter Button ID in mobile app.

Note- Please make sure you remove simulator architecture – x86_64 before you upload your app to apple store.



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