
What is Clear Stuck Chat button?

A Clear Stuck Chat button allows the user to clear stuck chats through the specified button. This button could be reached by visiting Profile> Clear Stuck Chat.

Can I chat with agent and supervisor at the same time?

Yes, as per the circumstances, a customer can chat with agent and supervisor at the same time.

How can I know about a new chat arrival?

An arriving chat in an agent console will be highlighted in blue color. The same scenario will be for supervisor console.

How to determine whether I am connected or not?

A chat connectivity with customer could be known from the following green icon. Further, if the icon turns red, there would be no chat connectivity.

What is response time notification?

When a new chat goes unattended by an agent for a certain period of time, then the system generates a notification with preset color codes and alert rings at regular interval of time.

Is it necessary to dispose a chat?

Yes, once the chat session is over with the customer, it is necessary to be disposed from the system. Also, the same procedure would be needed at the time when operator logs out from the system. Unless the chat is disposed, the system won’t allow the operator to logout.

What is “dual push” in Push URL?

While pushing a URL to the customer during a chat, the dual push feature will open up the URL in a new tab of the same browser.

Whom could I transfer a chat?

In case of requirement, an agent can transfer a chat to available operator. The operator could be of the same skill or even from another skill.

To whom could be a chat escalated?

A chat could be escalated to the Supervisor.

What is “All Chats”?

“All Chats” is an option in an operator’s console that allows an operator to view all the arriving/arrived chats in the system, other than his own chats.

When to use clear stuck chat button?

When an operator is not able to dispose the chat through chat dispose button then clear stuck chat button is used to perform chat disposition.


What happens to the ongoing chat if there is a network disconnection for more than 3 minutes?

In case of network fluctuation, there are some of the cases that occur to the connected chats.

Case 1- A connected chat gets disconnected during network fluctuation. When the network resumes again, the agent handling the conversation can dispose the chat.

Case 2- During network fluctuation a chat will be disconnected and while the network resumes back, the chat will be connected to other available agent with all the conversational records.


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