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7 Ways How Chatbot Helps Any Company To Grow

A consistent and satisfactory customer service score is the milestone every company wants to achieve. The process of providing customer service is often associated with  trial and error. A particular method  that works  well for one company may not work  well for another. Typically, it takes a  few experiments for  a senior management team to conclude what  practices  are the best fit for them.

Additionally, there are a few generic solutions available in the market, which add more value to  customer service. One such solution is Chatbot. Chatbot is built on the platform of artificial intelligence and  is programmed to provide answers to the customers within nanoseconds, on behalf of human  agents.

A chatbot can work wonders when it comes to a company’s growth and improving customer service experiences. Know how?

  • Round-the clock customer support: A chatbot doesn’t sleep. , They are available to work 24*7 to  provide answers to most of the queries raised by the customer. Chatbots  increase  conversion rates by offering little waiting time, turning a first-time visitor into  an active customer.
  • Seamless Live Chat: A chatbot is well trained to interface with the customer in the same way as an agent. They can analyze a customer’s question and respond with a prompt answer, instantly meeting  their need.
  • Saves Resource Cost: A recent analysis by IBM mentions that chat bots will replace 85% of the human interactions in 2020. Integrating  chatbots allows , companies to utilize  customer representatives in the most proficient way without negatively effecting  customer support experiences.
  • Qualify Leads: Initial information given by the customer can be collected by the chatbot by asking simple questions. The sales team are then able to qualify leads, per the customer interactions and pitch them accordingly.
  • Collects Feedback: Customer feedback forms, customized per the company’s requirements and business needs, can be incorporated in the chatbot.  A chatbot will  collect feedback from  the beginning or end of the conversation. This helps in improving products and customer.
  • Reduce Human Errors: Let’s face it. Humans are not perfect. Information is forgotten and errors can be made, even under the best of circumstances. This is where However, chatbots can do their best work. They remember everything.  They have access to huge data sets, which enables them to answer your customer’s questions quickly and accurately.
  • Analytics Report: Reporting can show you response and acceptance rates of your chatbots. As chatbots evolve and  grow more intelligent over  time, previously added information can be amended or new data  can be added to provide a flawless experience for your customers.

Configuring chatbots within a platform can help companies  gain a  targeted audience. ICE Chat and Email provides a chatbot with enhanced  features and all  essential reporting capabilities. After just one use, a Chatbot will show its value by providing efficient, intelligent and excellent customer service. Making sure a chatbot provides the best features and output for you will make all the difference.

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