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Multi Language Feature: A Radical Approach By Enterice For Industries

There is no doubt that a BPO organization tastes a global success. After all, a hard work pays off. Similarly, industries gain recognition and simultaneously increase their customer base. On the other hand, there are also times when companies experience some better sales growth outside their territory. But at the same time, a company should also not expect that a visitor (customer) would speak the home language of the industry.

Now consider a scenario, if an agent receives a chat request of a potential customer who doesn’t speak English and at the same side, agent has no command over customer’s language. How would be the exchange of messages between the two?

Of course, to run a consumer care shell, an industry may arrange a resource who could read and write customer’s language, but how far a company can run with such an alternative?

There have been various such cases where BPO industries have to turn down their potential leads as they do not have the perfect option to interface in their visitor’s own language and have been looking for a ground breaking resolution.

The Solution-

Analyzing the requirements in a day to day activity of BPO industry, Enterice has come up with a solution in this regards as Multi Language functionality.

How Does It Help?

This phenomenon helps the agents to interact in visitor’s own language. The agents aware of the particular language would be assigned to the chat attending tasks. The language assigning authority to a skill lies with an Admin of the organization. In general, a particular skill is allotted with a specific language. This allows an agent to take the chats and to interact freely with the visitors in their own language.

The Concept-

The reason behind the ideology of this functionality by Enterice is to provide a platform to the niches wherein they could reach and interface to their customers’ own language. Further, the implementation of this methodology would also help the organizations to build a strong customer base globally.

Wrap Up-

In today’s era, where industries struggle to cover their target audience worldwide, employing inevitable solutions like multi language from Enterice could truly help to serve the purpose. Visit to know about this function in more detail.

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