User Manual

Search Coachee

Search tab is the second tab on Tactical coaching console. It helps the user to search a coachee and to add, update, view or delete a DFM with respect to an individual coachee.. 

To start a search-

  • Select client name from dropdown box

  • Select program name from dropdown box

  • Click Search button after making entries. The system will display the result in below grid along with the associated details as shown highlighted.

To Add a DFM-

  • Click Add link to add a DFM as shown in the below screen-

  • The system will redirect to the Direct Model Feedback screen, which includes various fields under categories “Session Information” and “DFM Information” respectively.  This is as shown in the below screen-

  • For a Session Information category, a Coach Name field and Coachee Name field would be prepopulated as shown in the below screen-

  • Enter the values for the rest of the respective fields of the category. 
  • On the same console scroll down to add DFM information.

  • Select strength and strength parameter from their respective dropdown boxes as shown in the below screen-

Note- Drop down value will be displayed from entered Evaluation ID.

  • Click Add button after making the entries

  • Similarly, select opportunity and opportunity parameters from their respective fields. This is as shown below-

  • Click Add button after making the entries

  • Enter an action plan and a desired follow up date in the respective fields as shown highlighted below-

  • A DFM Information category after making all the entries will look in the following format-

  • A user also has the option to add multiple entries for strength and opportunity fields.
  • Click Submit button after making all the entries. The system will display a message on the successful submission of record.

To View a DFM-

  • Click view button on the grid to view a DFM. This is as shown below-

  • The system will display the information through a Window as shown below-

To Update a DFM-

  • Click update button on the grid to update a DFM. This is as shown below-

  • The screen will redirect to the DFM console. Click submit button after making the updates. 

To Edit a DFM-

  • Click Edit button in the grid to edit a DFM for a coachee. This is as shown below-

To Delete a DFM-

  • Click delete icon to delete a DFM for a coachee as shown below-