User Manual

QEval Login

Procedure to access QEval remains same for all the user roles.

Steps to sign in QEval:

  1. Enter the URL in the browser to go to Login page.
  2. Click under Username and Password and enter the credentials.
  3. Check “Remember Me” check box to keep your session active.
  4. Click Submit button.

A QEvalPro login page is as shown in the below screen-

QEval Login page for all User roles

Set Secret Question

A newly registered user with QEvalPro is redirected to Set Security Question where he needs to set secret question. 

Setting up a secret question helps secure the user account and restore password. This includes the following steps-

  1. Enter the password.
  2. Select the question from drop down list.
  3. Enter the answer to selected question.
  4. Click  Submit button.
Set secret que

Set Secret Question

Forgot Password

  1. To reset password, click Forgot Password on the QEval login page.
  2. Enter the answer to the question displayed.
  3. Enter the code displayed on the screen in the text box.
  4. Click  Submit button.
  5. Click  to cancel the process. 

This is as shown below- 

Forgot password page

After the user clicks Submit button button, a link would be sent to user’s registered email. The user can reset the password by clicking on the linking. Further, the link will be valid till next 30 minutes from the time of its generation, exceeding which it will be expired.  

A user needs to change the password within 90 days for security reasons. Further, the system will notify the user to change password prior to 3 days of its expiry.

If user fails to change the password within 90 days then application will keep redirecting the user to “Change Password” console.


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