User Manual

Overall Line Item Accuracy Report By QA

This report is designed to show the accuracy of the total answers (here line items) matched with ATA.

To view the report click on Reports>QA Performance Report> Overall Line Item Accuracy Report By QA from the list as shown in the below screen-

This will redirect the user to the following screen-

ATA Report 2(1)

Click Expand collapse arrows to expand or collapse the sections on screens.

                                Screen Elements


Start date

Select start date to view the report

End Date

Select end date to view the report

Client Name

Enter name of the client from drop down box

Program Name

Enter name of the program from drop down box

Evaluation Form Name

Select the name of evaluation form from drop down box

Sub Program  Name

Select the name of Sub program from drop down box


Enter the location name from drop down box


Enter agent name in the field

Supervisor Name

Enter Supervisor name in the field

Date Type

Select the date type from below three formats for the report to be displayed-

•Evaluation Date

•Call/Chat Date

•Modified Date  

Select Evaluator Role

Select the name of evaluator from the table.

Click select all arrow to select and enter all the roles in the selection box.

To select a role, click select arrow.

Click on the Generate report button and the system will generate the following report as shown below-

ATA Report 4(1)


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