API Documentation

Add Multiple Users

This feature is designed to add multiple users to the system. The Service URL of the module is given by the following link-




Json Formats-

1. Code snippet for Web Service Use-



“Token”: “eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVicyIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDk4MTgzOH0.9jUzPnkKXEMkvg4q7ZNZ4JmoM6JYwlsXyrdV4kNXP4E”,

“UserName”: “alanEtech1”,

“Password”: “alanEtech1”,

“EmpId”: “alanEtech1”,

“FirstName”: “Alan1”,

“MiddleName”: “A1”,

“LastName”: “Wilson1”,

“SupervisorId”: “ET01”,

“EmpType”: “FTE”,

“RoleId”: 1,

“Email”: “alan1.wilson@etechtexas.com”,

“CampaignId”: 355,

“LocationID”: 136,

“IsSupervisor”: false,

“IsAccessLocationBased”: false,

“IsAccessIPBased”: false,

“PartnerId”: 0,

“IsPartnerAllowed”: false



“Token”: “eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6ImVicyIsImV4cCI6MTQ5MDk4MTgzOH0.9jUzPnkKXEMkvg4q7ZNZ4JmoM6JYwlsXyrdV4kNXP4E”,

“UserName”: “alanEtech2”,

“Password”: “alanEtech2”,

“EmpId”: “alanEtech2”,

“FirstName”: “Alan2”,

“MiddleName”: “A2”,

“LastName”: “Wilson2”,

“SupervisorId”: “ET01”,

“EmpType”: “FTE”,

“RoleId”: 1,

“Email”: “alan2.wilson@etechtexas.com”,

“CampaignId”: 365,

“LocationID”: 137,

“IsSupervisor”: false,

“IsAccessLocationBased”: false,

“IsAccessIPBased”: false,

“PartnerId”: 0,

“IsPartnerAllowed”: false



2. Description for Request Parameters-


S.No Name Type Description
1 Token String Authentication token
2 UserName String Name of the user
3 Password String Password of the user
4 EmpId String Id of Employee
5 FirstName String First name of employee
6 LastName String Last name of employee
7 SupervisorId String Id of Supervisor
8 EmpType String Type of employee
9 RoleId Int Role id of employee
10 Email String Email of user
11 CampaignId Int Id of Campaign
12 LocationID Int Location Id of user
13 IsSupervisor Bit Is the user supervisor or not
14 IsAccessLocationBased Bit Is the access location based or not
15 IsAccessIPBased Bit IP based login restriction required or not
16 PartnerId Int Id of partner
17 IsPartnerAllowed Bit Is partner allowed or not

3. Response Example-




“Message”: “User Added successfully.”




{Message”:”error detail”}




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