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Calibration- An Effective Platform For Evaluation Accuracy

Accuracy and precision are the two unavoidable aspects expected while performing an evaluation. On the contrary, the results could be fatal when an evaluation error is determined by an evaluator or a QA to be more precise.

This is just an instance in a day to day evaluation processes. Apparently, a small mistake in the evaluation process by an evaluator could degrade an agent.  Of course, campaigns involved in BPO sector want to offer the best quality monitoring services, but obviously not with an error in evaluation.

The Breakthrough-

Evidently, various BPO campaigns have worked on the solution to keep the evaluation process free from any sort of QA monitoring errors. One of the convenient solutions in this regards is Calibration methodology.

The Concept-

A calibration has been specifically designed as a procedure which involves the process of line items comparisons evaluated between various calibrators and a master calibrator. For a particular evaluation, a user with a minimum eligibility of QA supervisor is provided with the rights of calibrator by Admin. The calibration made by a calibrator is compared with that of the master calibrator. The objective of this solution is to maintain the accuracy of evaluations performed by evaluators.

The Functionality-

The process starts with a calibration made by Master Calibrator, whose scores are considered to be ideal for line items either of a category or of the entire form. Followed by this would be the calibration performed by calibrator(s) for same line items. Once the calibration is performed from both the sides, the users (calibrators and master calibrator) would be able to view the variances for each line items. For an ideal calibration, the line items calibrated by a calibrator should be equivalent or near to that of the calibration performed by Master Calibrator.

Steps Involved-

A calibration could be performed in quick steps. Click here to view the procedures involved in calibration and you shall also access video tutorial for it here.

Advantageous Factors-

Apart from calibration, there are various facets that prove this procedure to be strategic.

  1. Search Calibration- This phenomenon allows the user to search calibration listed under various status or campaigns. Click steps for detailed description. These status include-
    1. Active
    2. Inactive
    3. Ended Calibration
  2. View All Calibration- This functionality allows calibrators and master calibrators to view all the calibrations and variances. The link illustrates about the same.
  3. End Calibration- The access to this functionality is allowed to only some specific calibrators. Once a calibration of a particular form is done, the user with an access to this process can end a calibration. Click Here for more illustrations.

The Bottom Line-

No doubt, there might be various software evolved for evaluation accuracies in BPO industry, but the processes like calibration instigate a practical solution for real-world cases.

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