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Features That Are Must Have in Quality Monitoring Tool

Finding a quality monitoring tool with features that completely suits the business requirements is actually a difficult task. The list of features provided by different software companies for a quality monitoring tool is really extensive. As every tool has its own set of unique features that cater to the needs for specific business requirements, there are some features that, if missed, can create lots of complications when trying to run BPO processes smoothly.

The need for these below-mentioned features may differ for every BPO but the majority, prove very useful.. So, always look out for the features which offer  the  below mentioned requirements:

  • Enhance Customer Experience: It is very essential for all BPOs to enhance their agent’s performance, as it is directly proportional to the customer service experience. To maintain good customer experience, supervisors need to keep a close watch on the agent’s day-to-day activities. For this reason, there should be a feature in the tool which can record or track customer and agent interactions to monitor performance ensure agents continue progress and meet requirements team and individual goals.
  • Agent’s Training: Every agent needs training at different levels of business processes as there is always room for improvement. Also, the performance of every agent before and after training is required to be monitored to understand what impact the training has made on the agent’s performance. The quality monitoring tool should have a feature in it to train the agent and also analyze their  performance before and after each training session.

  • Manage Disputes: Every BPO tends to have internal disputes among its supervisors and agents about various instances, for example like a wrong evaluation of the agent’s performance by the supervisor. This kind of dispute leads to poor performance by the agents as they are not satisfied with the evaluations being done. Every agent should have the opportunity to give their feedback in such cases. It is necessary for a quality monitoring tool to have a feature allowing and managing disputes.
  • Easy to Integrate with Other Tools: With big data analysis running in the marketplace, the tool should have the flexibility to easily integrate data from other data mining tools and provide a detailed analysis of that data to the supervisor.  Only dumping  huge amounts of data into the software won’t help. A detailed analysis of the data provided  is equally important. QEvalPro is a quality monitoring tool that has the ability  to integrate data from other sources, allowing supervisors to choose their own parameters for detailed analysis which helps in  the decision making process..
  • Real-time Analysis: This feature keeps everyone updated with the current information  and progress made by every team member using the software.  Detailed analysis, is needed to  highlight pain points as well as what is going right, in order to achieve the desired targets for success of the program, with the real-time analysis of the evaluation provided to  the supervisor, agents can be coached  to better understand and analyze their daily progress and improvise on ways to improve low marking points. So, a quality monitoring tool should have a real-time analysis integrated into it.

With the world full of innovations and enhancements, there’s always a solution for each  problem. It is just a matter of selecting the right solution. The aforementioned requirements, if taken into consideration while analyzing the feature, will surely make a difference. Why not try them for once and see the results?     

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