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Significance of QA Metrics Within Call Center Organizations

One cannot think of running a company without engaging a QA. Apparently, a QA ensures to monitor routine work for flawless processes and also to report the concerned personnel for encountered issues.  Nonetheless, to have efficient QAs, organization should include guidelines on metrics, which in turn will give better outcomes for impeccable performances.

But why is a QA metrics even required?

QA metrics are essential when it comes to have a proficient QA within an organization. Eventually, it becomes a gateway for team’s performance alongside client satisfaction. It helps to enhance overall customer experience by analyzing the performance of call centers. It also helps to identify corrective actions and associated plans to improve overall call center efficiency.

There are myriads of metrics practiced by call centers. Some of the most common implementations in this regards include Average Handle Time (Average Time spent on call for resolution), First Call Resolution, Customer Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score and Call Average per Agent.

Further, QA metrics also help to determine the output of the call center with reference to time. It doesn’t only limit to the number of resolved calls but also tracks down the customer sentiments. Thus, it emerges as one of the vital factors to excel the growth within the industry.  

QA Metrics for Call Center-

Let’s face it. The overall concept behind implementing any process within an organization is to have happy customers at the end. And there’s hardly any entrepreneur who would deny from this fact.

In today’s era, it is crucial to observe Voice of Customer (VOC) apart from all other metrics which are being used for years. Call center cannot ignore on how its customer feels while interacting with the agent, whether or not his/her purpose are resolved. Indeed an agent may resolve the issue within the first call but this doesn’t really guarantee about the customer’s happiness. This in turn will have direct impact on their client’s satisfaction report.

QA metrics also guides where exactly agents need to improve or focus in a way to get more satisfied customers for client. Call centers should focus on agent oriented aspects such as rate of speech, power words and behavior on call. These points in general help to reveal about how customer had experience with the agents. Undoubtedly, these become required assessment of agents than understanding customers.

With that being mentioned, it is also very difficult to know customer experience. Hence, there are certain points, which can be availed by call center to improve quality to be monitored by QA. These include-

  • Displaying Empathy – A customer connects to a call center mostly for issues related to the product or services. Agents must understand the issues properly thereby possessing empathy. This will indeed build a positive impression on customer.
  • Customer Engagement – Agents can engage customer with small talks creating a healthy working environment. Hence this will make customer feel to be a part of process, which will again build the trust factor.
  • Help Beyond Issue – Agent should encourage the customer to disclose the information for any other requirements or any issue. This proactive approach will leave a positive note on customer about company and will help to build a strong brand value and NPS.
  • Follow the Guidelines – The agent must obey to the guidelines governed by company which certainly will create a secure environment for clients and help to develop trust.

All these processes require a user friendly system, which can cater to garner several reports and tools to get insights on various metrics. The platforms like QEval include the environment for the clients to engage their QA process with efficacy.

Closing Thoughts-

Importance of the QA metrics is not only to add value to the client through positive customer experience to their customers.  But it is also to build a dynamic yet sustainable growth path based on mutual trust between call center and client.


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